OzCar dealerships operate both company owned dealerships and franchise dealerships.
Below are the legal entities of our current dealerships.
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Lansvale | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 229 Hume Hwy, Lansvale, NSW,2166 | 02 9794 2500 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Campbelltown | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 47 Blaxland Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, 2560 | 02 4640 8600 |
Five Dock | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 155 Parramatta Rd, Five Dock, NSW, 2046 | 02 9189 2300 |
Lansvale | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 229 Hume Hwy, Lansvale, NSW,2166 | 02 9794 2500 |
Penrith | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 2069 Castlereagh Rd, Penrith, NSW, 2750 | 02 4730 5500 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Cardiff | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 318 Main Rd, Cardiff, NSW, 2285 | 02 4902 4700 |
Gosford | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 445 Pacific Hwy, North Gosford, NSW, 2250 | 02 4337 7400 |
Taree | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 13-15 Crescent Ave, Taree, NSW, 2430 | 02 5518 6200 |
Port Macquarie | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 28 Morton St, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444 | 02 5542 2100 |
Tuggerah | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 198 Pacific Hwy, Tuggerah, NSW, 2259 | 02 4337 7431 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Dubbo | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 74 Victoria St, Dubbo, NSW, 2830 | 02 6800 1200 |
Tamworth | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 1 Ebsworth St, Tamworth, NSW, 2340 | 02 6798 9300 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Queanbeyan | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 17025 | 88 Macquoid Street, Queanbeyan East, NSW, 2620 | 02 5112 2700 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Wodonga | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 11839 | 140 Melbourne Rd, Wodonga, VIC, 3690 | 02 6082 9100 |
Cranbourne | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 11839 | 182 South Gippsland Hwy, Cranbourne, VIC, 3977 | 03 9997 6700 |
Braybrook | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 11839 | 272 Ballarat Rd, Heidelberg, VIC, 3019 | 03 9997 2000 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Darwin | Grapnel Pty Ltd | OzCar | 46 009 618 722 | LMVD 112 | 147 Stuart Hwy, Parap, NT, 0820 | 08 8924 2431 |
Dealership | Company | Trading As | ABN | MD | Full Address | Phone |
Moorooka | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 4493319 | 1210 Ipswich Rd, Moorooka, QLD, 4105 | 07 3709 9000 |
Kippa-Ring | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 4493319 | 17-19 Regency St, Kippa-Ring, QLD, 4021 | 07 3709 2200 |
Gold Coast | Car Empire Pty Ltd | OzCar Gold Coast | 97 667 252 799 | 4709498 | 290 Southport Nerang Rd, Ashmore, QLD, 4214 | 07 5600 2599 |
Townsville | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 4493319 | 28-34 Bowen Rd, Hermit Park, QLD, 4812 | 07 4419 7800 |
Toowoomba | OzCar Pty Ltd | OzCar | 98 052 221 299 | 4493319 | 262 Ruthvern St, Toowoomba, QLD, 4350 | 07 4595 1100 |
Bayside | SM BARRATT PTY LTD | OzCar | 65 661 630 306 | 4646156 | 3218 Old Clevland Rd, Chandler, QLD, 4155 | 07 3709 9053 |
Rockhampton | SM BARRATT PTY LTD | OzCar | 65 661 630 306 | 4646156 | 34 Denison St, Rockhampton, QLD, 4700 | 07 4419 7818 |
If you have any questions, you can contact our service team below: